« We believe that our values are the link between all the people who make Cartadis a success. They must help mobilize all our teams to serve our customers and new innovative products, which will make tomorrow’s success like yesterday’s »

Respect and loyalty of its customers to distributors
CaIn great respect for clients, Cartadis seeks to establish a genuine partnership with its distributors in order to set up a sustainable commercial success. Products reliability is part of the deal.

Reliability of our products :
Has always offered products adapted to the needs that
are reliable and durable, made Cartadis a reference
recognized as the best value market price.

Sense of service to the user :
Constantly offer new equipments, solutions and new capabilities that meet the needs of users, allows us to remain a leading player. Always in contact with the ground, the sense of service to the user is driving our innovation, guaranteeing the commercial success of current and future products.

Dynamic PME:
With an average size structure, teamwork ensuing releases innovation and service orientation.
« We believe that our values are the link between all the people who make the success of Cartadis. They should help motivate people to serve our customers, and new innovative products that will make tomorrow’s success like the yesterday’s one »

Present in more than 70 countries around the world