Sustainable development and environment friendly

Linking savings and ecology
Cartadis, through its solutions and test equipment printouts, offers to its customers a tool for implementing a sustainable development approach and management control.

Giving eco-citizen reflexes
Login to a printer, you become responsible for paper used, and reflect on its usefulness. It has been proven that unnecessary print volumes are reduced once our solutions adopted.
The main action of Cartadis Environment, is that our customers make from our products.

A driving force in our industry in terms of Sustainable Development
We pay special attention at the design, to the low energy consumption of our products, as standby as in operation, to the choice of respectful materials of environmental and social constraints.
We assume the framework action that our manufacturing partners submit in sustainable development, including strict adherence to standards and constraints on electromagnetic radiations and financing the recycling of our products (standard D3E).

Present in more than 70 countries around the world